Sakarya Caddesi Bayındır Sokak No:20/7-8 Kızılay/ANKARA


Lorem ipsum Sunt cupidatat reprehenderit cillum reprehenderit incididunt consequat aute et proident tempor occaecat.


Lorem ipsum Sunt cupidatat reprehenderit cillum reprehenderit incididunt consequat aute et proident tempor occaecat.


Lorem ipsum Sunt cupidatat reprehenderit cillum reprehenderit incididunt consequat aute et proident tempor occaecat.

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    Lorem ipsum Sunt cupidatat reprehenderit cillum reprehenderit incididunt consequat

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    Lorem ipsum Sunt cupidatat reprehenderit cillum reprehenderit incididunt consequat


Sed ut perspiciatis, unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam eaque ipsa, quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt, explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem, quia voluptas sit.

Aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos, qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt, neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum, quia dolor.

Sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt, ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem.

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Only in November! Book learning and receive
a discount of $ 59

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua

How to protect yourself and the car

50 days
  • Prevention of car theft
  • How to protect yourself from theft numbers
  • What should I do if the car took the tow truck
  • How to protect the car against vandalism and theft.
  • How to ensure long engine life.
  • How to take care of the car so that it served as long as possible.
  • How to drive in bad weather conditions.
  • How to keep the look of the car.

Testing routes

35 days
  • Prevention of car theft
  • How to protect the car against vandalism and theft.
  • How to protect the car against vandalism and theft.
  • How to protect the car against vandalism and theft.
  • How to protect the car against vandalism and theft.
  • How to protect the car against vandalism and theft.

Eliminating fear and excitement behind wheel

40 days
  • How to take care of the car so that it served as long as possible
  • How to take care of the car so that it served as long as possible
  • How to take care of the car so that it served as long as possible
  • How to take care of the car so that it served as long as possible

Basic working out the basics of driving

35 days
  • How to drive in bad weather conditions.
  • How to drive in bad weather conditions.
  • How to drive in bad weather conditions.
  • How to protect the car against vandalism and theft.
  • How to protect the car against vandalism and theft.
  • How to protect the car against vandalism and theft.
  • How to protect the car against vandalism and theft.

Practice skills of communication with traffic police

30 days
  • How to take care of the car so that it served as long as possible
  • How to take care of the car so that it served as long as possible
  • How to drive in bad weather conditions.
  • How to drive in bad weather conditions.
  • How to drive in bad weather conditions.
  • How to drive in bad weather conditions.
How to protect yourself and the car Testing routes Eliminating fear and excitement behind wheel Basic working out the basics of driving Practice skills of communication with traffic police

best service

Lorem ipsum Sunt cupidatat reprehenderit cillum reprehenderit incididunt consequat

Best time training

You can choose your team on weekdays after work or on weekends

We train all ages

we take into account the age of individual moments.

Individual approach

to everyone we have our own approach.

practical training for you will be happy.

Calm instructor

duplicate pedals

Cars equipped with duplicate pedals - avtoinstruktor always insures you.

all documents

The full package of documents at the end - you get all the documents at the end of

best classroom

Equipped classrooms - all done according to the rules and laws

  • 10 000+

    Graduates received the right

  • 7

    Years on the market

  • 578

    Training hours

  • 32

    Number of teachers


Andry LincolnAndry Lincoln
Andry LincolnAndry Lincoln
Andry LincolnAndry Lincoln
Andry LincolnAndry Lincoln
Andry LincolnAndry Lincoln

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore tempor incididun dolore tempor magna aliqua

Andry Lincoln

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore tempor incididun dolore tempor magna aliqua

Andry Lincoln

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore tempor incididun dolore tempor magna aliqua

Andry Lincoln

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore tempor incididun dolore tempor magna aliqua

Andry Lincoln

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore tempor incididun dolore tempor magna aliqua

Andry Lincoln

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua

Ivanov Alexey

Ivanov Alexey

Theory instructor
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent nec fermentum ex. Nam tincidunt, diam quis elementum accumsan, urna magna elementum elit, varius efficitur neque ex et nisi.
Ivanov Alexey

Ivanov Alexey

Theory instructor
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent nec fermentum ex. Nam tincidunt, diam quis elementum accumsan, urna magna elementum elit, varius efficitur neque ex et nisi.
Ivanov Alexey

Ivanov Alexey

Theory instructor
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent nec fermentum ex. Nam tincidunt, diam quis elementum accumsan, urna magna elementum elit, varius efficitur neque ex et nisi.
Ivanov Alexey

Ivanov Alexey

Theory instructor
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent nec fermentum ex. Nam tincidunt, diam quis elementum accumsan, urna magna elementum elit, varius efficitur neque ex et nisi.
Ivanov Alexey
Ivanov Alexey
Ivanov Alexey
Ivanov Alexey
Matvey street, russia
+ 90 888 777 5544


  • How long is the road test appointment?
    Yes you can. your parent or guardian must sign up the form MV-44. also, New York Motor Vehicles requires at least 50 hours of supervised training of 15 hours must be night driving in order to take your Road Test.
  • I'm 16 years old, can I get my Driver License in NYC?
    Yes you can. your parent or guardian must sign up the form MV-44. also, New York Motor Vehicles requires at least 50 hours of supervised training of 15 hours must be night driving in order to take your Road Test.
  • This is an accordion for FAQ Module
    Yes you can. your parent or guardian must sign up the form MV-44. also, New York Motor Vehicles requires at least 50 hours of supervised training of 15 hours must be night driving in order to take your Road Test.
  • How do I obtain a New York CDL?
    Yes you can. your parent or guardian must sign up the form MV-44. also, New York Motor Vehicles requires at least 50 hours of supervised training of 15 hours must be night driving in order to take your Road Test.
  • What is the process for getting my class D/E License?
    Yes you can. your parent or guardian must sign up the form MV-44. also, New York Motor Vehicles requires at least 50 hours of supervised training of 15 hours must be night driving in order to take your Road Test.